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  • Ensure safety and harm reduction
  • Facilitate participation in service which will bring greater fulfillment to the lives of our guest, including main-stream.
  • The unrelenting goal of IHLE, INC. since its inception has been to provide a loving and supporting environment.

It is the mission of In His Loving Embrace Inc. to provide shelter, help, awaken hope and honor dignity in every person who seeks assistance through our programs. Our focus is individuals and families that are homeless. We live out our mission through our direct service programs, volunteer efforts and community involvement. Our vision is to see individuals set free from homelessness and become self-sufficient physically and mentally healthy.


Always provide every client with the opportunities to combine personal and community resources in order to affect physical, mental and spiritual well-being.


In His Loving Embrace Inc. integrates the following values in every aspect of service:

  • Respect for life
  • Collaboration
  • Integral Service
  • Christian Stewardship
  • Human Dignity
  • Faith
  • Compassion
  • Availability
  • Hospitality
  • Quality Assurance
  • Advocacy